Over voltage affecting solar performance? Have you ever noticed with your solar inverter, that despite there being plenty of sun, it may not be producing? It may be an over voltage problem which could be as a result of either one of the following things: 1....
“Batteries are top of mind with many rural customers” With the recent spate of dry weather, dams are low and grid outages can often take on greater significance. More livestock are being watered in troughs filled by pumps. Simmark has noted a significant...
Many customers ask us about battery sizes and how much storage is right for them. The key is to determine how much energy you are consuming when the sun isn’t shining. That will tell you how much battery capacity you need, which will in turn determine how much...
With the rising cost of housing and the rising cost of energy in NSW, there is growing interest in the trend of tiny houses (http://thetinylife.com/what-is-the-tiny-house-movement/). The idea of living in a residence that costs half the deposit of a regular home is...
Well, it’s happening and it’s happening faster than expected. As mentioned in this morning’s The Australian newspaper, energy companies across Australia (including in NSW) are hiking rates paid by households by more than $130 per year in many cases....