Here at Simmark, we are frequently asked about switchboards. A lot of our clients have heard about upgrading electrical switchboards, but are unsure exactly what this means and whether they actually need to do it. To shed some light on the subject, we’ve put together this blog explaining all about electrical switchboards and when it becomes necessary to upgrade.
What is an Electrical Switchboard?
Put simply, a switchboard is a control centre. It is responsible for directing electricity from the main supply to various circuits all around your home. That’s why it’s so important that your switchboard is functioning correctly and is not a safety hazard. Fortunately, modern switchboards have built-in safety switches so when a problem is detected, the power supply is shut off. This lowers the risk of fires and other hazards like electrical shocks. However, older switchboards were designed to cope with far fewer appliances than the modern home contains. Therefore, your average home is likely to place a great deal of stress on an older switchboard. This means there is a much greater risk of overloading, and because older switchboards don’t contain safety switches, there is also a much greater risk of much more serious problems such as a fire.
How do I Know if I Need to Upgrade My Switchboard?
There are some obvious signs (and some not so obvious ones) when your switchboard is in need of an upgrade. Things to look for include:
- Flickering lights
- Fuses blowing on a regular basis
- Circuit breakers continually tripping
- Appliances short circuiting
- Presence of rewireable fuses in your switchboard
- Crowded Switchboard (new additions like a pool pump or hot tub will need dedicated circuits)
Please remember that this is just a guide and it is vitally important that a qualified electrician evaluates your switchboard. You may also need an upgrade to your incoming mains so contact your local Shoalhaven Electrician or Southern Highlands Electrician today.
Who can Upgrade My Switchboard?
A qualified, fully licensed electrician is the only person who should be going anywhere near your switchboard. Most people are worried about the cost of upgrading a switchboard but it is actually comparatively small next to other household renovations, or worst case scenario, rebuilding after a fire. Think of it as an investment, as well as an opportunity to have an electrician look at the rest of your home’s electrics. Contact Simmark for a quote today. Our qualified electricians can evaluate:
- Wiring
- Smoke detectors
- Powerpoints
- Appliances (air conditioners, hot tubs etc)
We travel all over the Shoalhaven and Southern Highlands. Remember, if you are thinking of getting solar panels, new metering and switch gearing will need to be installed. If you don’t already have enough space in your current switchboard, you may also need to upgrade. Simmark can complete both jobs for you, saving you time and money.