Join the Simmark team for a Free Energy Seminar at the Berry Small Farm Field Day – 7 & 8th September, and you could WIN a Solar Analytics Monitor valued at $300. To enter attend one of our daily energy seminars with Matt Simms, Simmark General Manager and learn about solar and battery power for your home or business.
Our daily energy seminar will be held at (12:45pm on Friday 7th Sept and 11am on Saturday 8th of September ) will explain how solar and battery systems are designed to meet your energy needs and reduce your energy costs. Ask all your home energy related questions and find out what home owners across the Illawarra and Southern Highlands are doing to reduce their energy costs.
Topics include
Residential Solar Systems
Rural Solar Systems
Importance of Solar Monitoring
Home Battery Storage Solutions
Energy Efficient Air Conditioning
Berry Small Farm Field Days – 7-8 September at the Berry Showgrounds, Berry. Daily Simmark Energy Seminar at 12:45pm Friday 7th and 11am Saturday 8th Sept Attend our seminar and go in the draw to WIN a Solar Anayltics Monitor valued at $300. Power your Life with Simmark.